Sunday, June 12, 2011

What do these paintings have in common?

What do all the above pictures share in common?

They are all mouth and foot paintings, created by people with disabilities! (see hundreds more here)

We marvel at people with disabilities who are capable of accomplishing remarkable feats. But could it be that a deficiency in one area can mean an efficiency in another? Does a deaf person have a stronger disposition to the sense of sight? Do the blind have a heightened sensitivity to touch?

We humans are finite beings, we have limited energy and limited capacity to experience the world around us. But when we are faced with an incapacity in an area that others generally are not, do we get to focus our energy on developing another capacity and become unusually talented in that area?

The following video segment introduces Derek Paravicini, a blind and autistic individual who has developed a remarkable ability for processing musical sound:

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